
Archaeology, Conservation, & Preservation

Research, conservation, and historic preservation lie at the heart of Colonial Williamsburg’s mission to present the stories of America’s origins. Every day, these investigations of the past reveal new facts that facilitate our understanding of this nation’s beginnings.

Uncovering New Understandings of the Past

From archaeology to documentary analysis, research underpins the entire Historic Area experience.


Uncovering New Understandings of the Past

From archaeology to documentary analysis, research underpins the entire Historic Area experience.


Archaeology was — and is — an important tool in discovering Williamsburg’s past. Excavations of historic sites began here in 1928. Discoveries continue today as we literally uncover things people owned, places they lived and even evidence of the specific plants they grew in their gardens, which enable us to better understand their world and their lives.

Bray School Move

Historic Preservation

Architectural historians’ research helps us see what 18th-century buildings looked like. Preservationists protect the structures that illustrate life in those times.

Bray Before_After 2
Williamsburg Bray School
African Baptist Meeting House
Coming in 2026

Colin G. and Nancy N. Campbell Archaeology Center

The center will be a one of a kind facility that ensures Colonial Williamsburg’s incomparable archaeology collection will be accessible to future generations of guests, scholars, and community members.


Rare Breeds


Arboretum & Gardens

Annual Garden Symposium

Art Museums of Colonial Williamsburg


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