How to Make a Market Wallet
What is a market wallet? It is an all-purpose carrying bag that was used by civilians and military personnel from the 16th through the 19th centuries. It was used for everyday shopping trips to the market, carried by soldiers and could be tied to their saddle. Market wallets were also often listed in runaway ads, identified as items runaway slaves carry with them. When the enslaved were loaned out, sold, or ran, these bags contained what little they owned.
When used for shopping, the wallet can hold a great deal and is easily balanced making them very practical. It can be worn around the neck or twisted in the middle and thrown over one shoulder to ensure that the contents will not fall out.
As in the past, they can be used today in lieu of plastic shopping bags. Smaller wallets would be perfect for carrying one’s lunch and the bags make for a great conversation piece.
Tools and Supplies
- Heavy Weight Fabric 24 x 38 inches
- Needle
- Thread (Hy-Mark or other heavy-duty thread)
- Scissors
- Skill level: Straight and whip stitch
Before I begin, I like to have several needles threaded so I don’t have to keep stopping to rethread one needle. On the long edges, fold in ¼ inch and hem using a straight stitch.

With right sides together, bring the long edges to the center, pin and stitch across the bottom of both ends.

Turn the bag so that all seams are on the inside. Whip stitch the center seam leaving a 10-inch opening in the middle.

You can make the market wallet smaller or larger by simply adjusting the measurements of the fabric.