
Educating for the Future

Our Contribution to the Nation

Education is central to the work of the Foundation, and the Power of Place Campaign will enable Williamsburg to become the intellectual center for the nation’s founding as we approach 2026. We will do this by enlisting the finest educators; forming strategic partnerships; supporting scholarly research and programming; telling authentic historical accounts through a more diverse interpretive corps; and reaching more teachers and students across the country and around the globe, in person and through expanded digital channels. Today, our work fostering an understanding among citizens of all ages about our nation's origins is more needed than ever. The freedoms for which the colonists fought—speech, the press, religion, assembly—are critically important for today’s complex world and are a cornerstone of our educational programming.

We believe in preserving these rights and remembering the path to independence and self-government by America’s earliest patriots, Indigenous and enslaved individuals, women, shopkeepers, laborers, farmers and tradespeople.

Time is of the essence as we plan for our future.

The historian Bernard Bailyn said, 'History should be studied because it is an absolutely necessary enlargement of human experience.' Colonial Williamsburg is itself a classroom for the teaching of history.

— Phil LeDuc, donor


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