Enjoy a choral evensong presented by the Bruton Choirs, directed by Rebecca Davy and accompanied by organist JanEl Will.
Parking near the Historic Area is recommended. If you plan to park at the Colonial Williamsburg Visitor Center, please check the bus schedule.
Other Experiences
Music: How to Play the (18th-Century) Violin
The violin was played by all classes and in all settings in 18th-century Virginia. Come hear how this instrument was played; it is easier said than done.
CW Admission
Music: When Nancy Geddy on the Spinet Plays
The Governor's Musick delves into the life of a young woman in Williamsburg who studied music to elevate her societal position.
CW Admission
For Donors: Visit a Nation Builder
Donors who have access to the donor reception center in the St. George Tucker House as part of their giving advantages are invited to meet with a Nation Builder.
Donor Exclusive
Free Event Ticket