Gaming has long held a bad reputation for its connection with gambling and indolence. Despite this stigma, 18th-century composers and writers began toying with gaming as an engaging avenue to education, to great success.
Join Kyle Collins of Governor’s Musick as he explores the music featured in two 18th-century games: a Goose-like board game aiming to teach young ladies the amenable path to marriage, and a musical dice game owned by Thomas Jefferson.
Other Experiences
Evening Program: To Hang a Pirate
Join with us in a trial of a member of the crew of Blackbeard the pirate that actually occurred in Williamsburg in 1719. Hear the evidence and make a judgment!
Open to the Public
Event Ticket
Tour: Black Artists and Artisans
Enjoy a guided tour of the exhibit “'I made this': Works by Black Artists and Artisans."
Open to the Public
Performance: Teach them Diligently
Journey with Ann Wager, a lifelong teacher in Colonial Virginia, as she experiences what it takes to run the Williamsburg Bray School.
CW Admission