In colonial times, American musical accomplishments were informed by imports from Britain. But the Revolutionary War created a divide in this relationship. For example, composer James Hewitt wrote a battle sonata celebrating the Battle of Trenton, a decisive victory in securing American independence. Join us as we explore the battle sonata, a neglected musical genre of the Classical period, and show how Hewitt repurposed the genre to establish a separate American musical identity.
Other Experiences
Conversation: Meet and Greet the Rare Breeds
Our Coach & Livestock team cares for over 100 rare breed animals, from lambs to cows to chickens to horses. Discover how they ensure these animals' safety and proper care.
CW Admission
Special Event: Williamsburg Military Tattoo
Guest units join the Colonial Williamsburg Fifes & Drums for a thrilling torch-lit march down Duke of Gloucester Street.
Open to the Public
Special Event: Did You Know? History Game Show
Come on down to the Hennage Auditorium to test your knowledge of history. Expand your mind! Impress your friends! Win a prize! Featuring special guest Thomas Jefferson.
Open to the Public
Event Ticket