Enjoy a varied program of music at Bruton Parish Church. Music director and organist Rebecca Davy presents a program of both harpsichord and organ music in this 350-year-old historic worship space.
Parking near the Historic Area is recommended. If you plan to park at the Colonial Williamsburg Visitor Center, please check the bus schedule.
Other Experiences
Music: Williamsburg's Twilight at the Square Piano
Journey through the final years of Williamsburg as Virginia’s capital with piano music discovered in the evanescent city.
CW Admission
Performance: Visit with James Madison
Step into the past with James Madison, Scholar Statesman.
CW Admission
Choral Evensong
Enjoy a choral evensong presented by the Bruton Choirs, directed by Rebecca Davy and accompanied by organist JanEl Will.
Open to the Public