In a tale spanning 250 years, come learn about the Williamsburg Bray School, the oldest existing building dedicated to the education of Black children in the United States. One small rat has a big story to tell us in this lively story that's fun for the whole family.
Other Experiences
Conversation: Meet and Greet the Rare Breeds
Our Coach & Livestock team cares for over 100 rare breed animals, from lambs to cows to chickens to horses. Discover how they ensure these animals' safety and proper care.
CW Admission
Music: Governor's Musick at the Art Museums
Learn how the evolving and bombastic battle sonata helped shape an American musical identity separate from Britain.
CW Admission
Tour: Favorite Family Pets
Join us on a family-friendly tour as we explore the galleries for animals of all shapes and sizes.
Open to the Public