Mrs. Charlton’s daughter Lizzy is wildly in love… with “the delicious juice of the coffee bean”! Can any other suitor ever suffice? Join us for this comedic ballad opera, based on Johann Sebastian Bach’s "Coffee Cantata" from the 1730s, and don’t forget to sing along!
Other Experiences
Conversation: Meet and Greet the Rare Breeds
Our Coach & Livestock team cares for over 100 rare breed animals, from lambs to cows to chickens to horses. Discover how they ensure these animals' safety and proper care.
CW Admission
Conversation: Meet a Person of the Past
Meet people of the past at Charlton's Coffeehouse for some informal conversation or activity.
CW Admission
Performance: Nation Builders Discuss Slavery
Join two Nation Builders to discuss how they viewed the complicated tragedy that was the institution of slavery.
CW Admission