Gowan Pamphlet, an enslaved man and popular local preacher, offers his perspective on slavery, religion, and freedom. With the context of the Great Awakening, this story tells the life of Pastor Gowan Pamphlet and Old Paris, a first-generation Ibo African.
Other Experiences
Tour: Bassett Trace Nature Trail Walk
Take a leisurely stroll on Bassett Trace Nature Trail and learn about Virginia’s wildlife and native habitats. If you like nature and enjoy being outdoors, this walk is for you!
Open to the Public
Presentation: Good Stories about Great Stuff
Join a curator, conservator, educator, archaeologist, or historian to discover who created an object, who owned it, and how it ended up in the Colonial Williamsburg Collection.
Open to the Public
Tour: Nassau Street, Past, Present, and Future
Join us at the First Baptist Church site for a walking tour and learn how a century of archaeology is contributing to a dynamic past, present, and future on Nassau Street.
CW Admission