Join two Nation Builders to discuss how they viewed and debated women's rights. What did they think of the vote? Do all women have rights? Are women equal to men in law and society? Speak with the Nation Builders, and the historic interpreters who portray them, to discuss this in and out of their 18th-century world.

Other Experiences
Conversation: Meet and Greet the Rare Breeds
Our Coach & Livestock team cares for over 100 rare breed animals, from lambs to cows to chickens to horses. Discover how they ensure these animals' safety and proper care.
CW Admission
Treble Choral Evensong
Enjoy a concert in this 350-year-old worship center presented by youth choirs from Christ & St. Luke's Episcopal Church, St. Bede Catholic Church, and All Saints Episcopal Church.
Open to the Public
Performance: Visit with Thomas Jefferson
Step into the past with Thomas Jefferson, The Rebellious Philosophe.
CW Admission