
Youth Organization Tours

Book Your Trip

Find out how you can customize an adventure that invites boys and girls to march with the militia, follow the Fifes and Drums, take part in a criminal trial, and talk with carpenters, brickmakers, blacksmiths, milliners, cooks, and others who helped forge a new nation.

To qualify for group tour rates, groups must have at least 15 students.

  • $11.00 for adults, $10.00 for youth ages 6-17. Group must perform to receive discounted rate.
  • Ticket is a single-day self-guided experience that includes performance venue, government buildings including the Governor's Palace and Capitol, family homes, and historic trade shops. Admission also includes programming in the Hennage Auditorium at the Art Museums of Colonial Williamsburg.
  • Deposits are required within 14 days of receipt of confirmation. The deposit will be applied to your bill at the time of payment.
  • The deposit is fully refundable if written cancellation is received 7 days prior to your group's arrival.
  • If a complete cancellation is received in less than 7 business days of the arrival date, the group will forfeit their deposit.
  • Performance length is 30-45 minutes.
  • Performance venues available, Monday thru Friday from 10:00AM - 3:00PM.

Final Numbers/Changes/Cancellations policy:

  • Ticket changes / cancellations for the guaranteed final number of attendees will be accepted up to 7 full business days prior to the group's arrival date, Monday through Friday 8:00AM - 5:00PM.
  • If a complete cancellation is received in less than 7 business days of the arrival date, the group will forfeit their deposit.

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