Ornamental Separator

2024 Annual Giving Society Advantages

Thanking you for your incredible support of Colonial Williamsburg is very important to us. We have accomplished so much together through our shared love for one of America’s national treasures.

Each and every day, we work to provide you with the best donor experience possible. As part of these efforts, we want to ensure that we thank you for your partnership in the most appropriate and meaningful way. To do that, we extend special advantages to our donors.

There are currently no changes to our giving society advantages this year so you will continue to enjoy all of the great donor-exclusive options that were offered last year. Our standard giving society meeting dates have shifted for 2024. We are offering one Colonial Williamsburg Burgesses meeting this year combined with The W.A.R. Goodwin Society meeting on March 1-3. The meeting of the Colonial Williamsburg Associates has moved to the fall, September 27 - 28. The Raleigh Tavern Society meetings will be held on April 12 -14 and November 1 - 3.

A grid detailing 2024 donor society advantages can be found by clicking here. To learn more about your supporter card functionality click here. Please know how much we appreciate all you have done and continue to do for Colonial Williamsburg.

As a reminder, the donor annual pass, if applicable, will be listed on your supporter card. You can simply present this to receive admission or associated discounts. To redeem either the discounted Annual Pass or guest Annual Pass, the person redeeming must have a valid donor supporter card or a donor ID.

More access to what you love — immersing yourself in 18th-century Williamsburg and our remarkable collection of fine and folk art — that’s what being a donor is all about. We hope you find many occasions to visit in 2024.

Thank you so much for your generosity and support. We couldn’t share the inspiring story of the colonial capital without you.

*Please note that the Goodwin Society and Friends of Colonial Williamsburg Collections are separate societies. For more information on courtesies you receive as members of these societies, contact us at legacy@cwf.org for the Goodwin Society and friends@cwf.org for Friends of Colonial Williamsburg Collections.