Ornamental Separator

A Collaboration of Excellence

Everyone at the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation relies on the benevolence of philanthropists like you to underpin the critical work of ensuring that the future may learn from the past.

With your help, we can continue to authentically preserve history and to truthfully and completely share it with our visitors now and for generations to come.

This work has never been more important:

  • World-Class Conservators – preserving the finest 18th-century works
    • Our team of curators thoroughly research and authenticate the thousands of items displayed in our two Art Museums and throughout the Historic Area.
    • Working closely with the curatorial team, the conservation department carefully analyzes, repairs and preserves these artifacts that connect our visitors to the past.
  • Scholarly Historians – ensuring authentic portrayals of the founding of our nation
    • Everything that visitors see, hear, read, taste and do is based on careful research.
    • An interpreter’s costume, garden plants and designs, paint on buildings, breeds of animals, the people portrayed and the stories told — all are the result of painstaking investigation to ensure accuracy.
  • Talented Tradespeople – showcasing techniques and tools of nearly extinct trades
    • More than 100 tradespeople practice more than two dozen trades using period-appropriate materials, tools and techniques to offer guests a complete and accurate representation of life and work in the 18th century.
    • Our skilled and passionate craftspeople dedicate their lives not only to performing their chosen trades, but to honoring and representing the people who went before them.
  • and YOU – Nearly 90% of Colonial Williamsburg’s giving has come from individuals.  This demonstrates the powerful impact that one person can make on our education, preservation and civic engagement initiatives.  Generous friends enable and advance our work across the Historic Area, across the nation and across the world in pursuit of our mission – That the future may learn from the past.

Make a gift now to support and advance this important work.

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