Online Resources
A growing number of items are available through our digital collections library and online exhibitions. Digital collections include searchable Colonial Williamsburg Research Reports and numerous issues of the Virginia Gazette newspaper.
Catalog Search
Through a partnership with William & Mary, searching our library catalog will retrieve books, audiovisual materials, rare books, and manuscripts at both Rockefeller Library and William & Mary Libraries. You'll also find eBooks and articles from many of our online databases.

Digital Resources
Virginia Gazettes

Research Reports

Colonial Williamsburg Journal

York County Project


Visual Resources Collections(Omeka)

Research Databases A-Z
Databases include both resources that are freely available as well as subscription-only resources. Subscription databases may be freely accessed by researchers at the library or elsewhere on the Colonial Williamsburg campus. Included within the selection of over forty scholarly databases are America’s Historical Newspapers, Ancestry Library Edition, Indigenous Peoples of North America and many others relating to American history in a global context from the 17th through the early 20th centuries.

Guides and Indexes
Guides and Indexes include topical bibliographies and searchable indexes to frequently used journals and Special Collections materials including microfilm.
New to the Library
Explore books recently added to Colonial Williamsburg's John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library's collection.