Summer Webinar Series

This summer, join the Bob and Marion Wilson Teacher Institute for our webinar series! The Teacher Institute is proud to offer two webinar series this summer including Stories of Resistance and Resilience and Defining Citizenship. Each series will include four consecutive 2-hour webinars that highlight content experts, primary sources, and classroom applications. Participants are not required to attend all four webinars included in a series and can select which webinars from the series they would like to attend through the registration process. Learn more about these programs below.

Online Workshops

The Bob and Marion Wilson Teacher Institute of Colonial Williamsburg is excited to offer online workshops for teachers that cover a wide range of historical topics. Teachers who attend these online programs gain access to Colonial Williamsburg collections, curricula, and staff, all from the comfort of their home! Many of these programs include an interactive element and provide the opportunity to discuss resources and activities with educators from across the nation.

Debunking Myths and Misunderstandings with Martha Washington


Who Are We the People?

We The People Event Image

The Gunpowder Incident


Teaching the Louisiana Purchase through Primary Sources


Espionage in the American Revolution

An interpreter dressed asJames Armistead Lafayette speaks with guests.

Jefferson, Piracy, and War in Early America

Montero-Family_Thomas-Jefferson-Illumination-Carriage_Williamsburg-VA_December-2018_TheVacationChannel_CWF-048_Medium (Digital Publication)

Onsite Residential


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